County Fermaagh 

1823-1838 INDEX
Tithe Applotment
- Sorted By Parish - and Townland -

The files have been broken down into smaller charts, from the original supplied by Vynette Sage.
Name Parish Townland Year
Britton, George Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Britton, William Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Hassard, John Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Hassard, Robert Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Keon, John Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, Charles Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, Cormick Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, Francis Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, John Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, Michael Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Maguire, Peter Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Scallon, Bryan Boho Aghaharrish 1827
Ferguson, James Boho Aghamore 1827
Ferguson, Patrick Boho Aghamore 1827
Gallaugher,Charles Boho Aghamore 1827
Gallaugher, John, jun. Boho Aghamore 1827
Gallaugher, John, sen. Boho Aghamore 1827
Magee, Terence Boho Aghamore 1827
McCaffry, Thomas Boho Aghamore 1827
McManus, Rodger Boho Aghamore 1827
McTeggart, Michael Boho Aghamore 1827
Magourty, Chas. Boho Agho 1827
Maguire, Terence Boho Agho 1827
Cassidy, Owen Boho Aughahooran 1827
Maguire, Edward Boho Aughahooran 1827
Maguire, John Boho Aughahooran 1827
Maguire, Thomas Boho Aughahooran 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Aughahooran 1827
Read, Widow Boho Aughahooran 1827
Beaty, Henry Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Beaty, John Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Crozier, John Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Crozier, Richard Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Cullen, Terence Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Ellis, James Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Ellis, Thomas Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Fawcett, John Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Irvin, James Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Maguire, Hugh Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Maguire, John Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Maguire, Owen Boho Aughinaglack 1827
McDonald, Saml. Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Mihan, James Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Rourke, Hugh Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Stinson, James Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Stinson, Walter Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Watkins, William Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Wilson, Thomas Boho Aughinaglack 1827
Name Parish Townland Year
Fitzsimmons, William Boho Blockney 1827
Hassard, Robert Boho Blockney 1827
Irvin, James Boho Blockney 1827
McEspirit, Francis Boho Blockney 1827
Hassard, Richard Boho Carngreen 1827
Hassard, William, Esq. Boho Carngreen 1827
Cassidy, Widow? Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Kelly, James Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Magee, Fergus Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Magee, Owen Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Magee, Patt. Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Magee, Terence Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Maginny, John Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Maguire, Bryan Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McCaffry, Edward Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McCaffry, James Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McHugh, Edward Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McHugh, James Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McManus, Bryan Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McManus, John Boho Carrickbeg 1827
McManus, Patt. Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Slavin, James Boho Carrickbeg 1827
Willis, George Boho Carrigan 1827
Farmer, Felix Boho Coolarkan 1827
Fawcett, Robert Boho Coolarkan 1827
Irvine, Christr. Boho Coolarkan 1827
Irvine, John Boho Coolarkan 1827
Irvine, William Boho Coolarkan 1827
Maguire, Michael Boho Coolarkan 1827
McManus, Dennis Boho Coolarkan 1827
Scallon, Thomas Boho Coolarkan 1827
Name Parish Townland Year
Hassard, William Boho Dooleeter 1827
Carrol, Owen Boho Drumbegger 1827
Cassidy, Widow? Boho Drumbegger 1827
Cullin, Michael Boho Drumbegger 1827
Gallaugher, Owen Boho Drumbegger 1827
Gallaugher, Patrick Boho Drumbegger 1827
Maguire, Patrick Boho Drumbegger 1827
Wynn, Manus Boho Drumbegger 1827
Bannen, Widow? Boho Drumboy 1827
Brannen, John Boho Drumboy 1827
Buchanan, William Boho Drumboy 1827
Connor, Charles Boho Drumboy 1827
Dane, George Boho Drumboy 1827
Dane, Thomas Boho Drumboy 1827
Deane, John Boho Drumboy 1827
Ferguson, John Boho Drumboy 1827
Frazer, George Boho Drumboy 1827
Hunter, Andrew Boho Drumboy 1827
Hunter, John Boho Drumboy 1827
Levinston, Henry Boho Drumboy 1827
Love, James Boho Drumboy 1827
Meathers, John Boho Drumboy 1827
Robinson, Robert Boho Drumboy 1827
Cox, Patrick Boho Drumgamph 1827
Cox, Patrick Boho Drumgamph 1827
Maguire, Bryan Boho Drumgamph 1827
McEspirit, Patrick Boho Drumgamph 1827
Owens, Jane Boho Drumgamph 1827
Maguire, Bryan Boho Drumma 1827
Maguire, Thomas Boho Drumma 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Drumma 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Drumma 1827
McHugh, Edward Boho Drumma 1827
McHugh, James Boho Drumma 1827
McHugh, Patt. Boho Drumma 1827
McManus, Bryan Boho Drumma 1827
McManus, James Boho Drumma 1827
Owens, Richard Boho Drumma 1827
Armstrong, Joseph Boho Drummacoorin 1827
Cox, John Boho Drummacoorin 1827
Love, Michael Boho Drummacoorin 1827
Love, Widow Boho Drummacoorin 1827
Maguire, James Boho Drummacoorin 1827
McHugh, John Boho Drummacoorin 1827
Name Parish Townland Year
Flanagan, Danl. Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Gallaugher, Edward Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Gallaugher, John Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Maguire, John Boho Farnaconnell 1827
McCaffry, John Boho Farnaconnell 1827
McDonaugh, Widow Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Owens, Terence Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Stinson, Robert Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Stinson, Robt. Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Wier, Robert Boho Farnaconnell 1827
Gallaugher, Chas. Boho Faugher 1827
Gallaugher, Patrick Boho Faugher 1827
Gallaugher, Widow Boho Faugher 1827
McManus, Rodger Boho Faugher 1827
Fawcett, John Boho Freel 1827
Flanagan, Widow Boho Freel 1827
McEspirit, James Boho Freel 1827
McManus, John Boho Freel 1827
McManus, Owen Boho Freel 1827
McElroy, Andrew Boho Glenkeel 1827
McElroy, Peter Boho Glenkeel 1827
Keys, Widow Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Miller, Andrew, jun. Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Miller, Andrew, sen. Boho Killyhommon 1827
Miller, George, jun. Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Miller, George, sen. Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Stinson, Robert, jun. Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Stinson, Robert, sen. Boho Kellyhommon 1827
Flanigan, James Boho Killydrum 1827
Jones, John Boho Killydrum 1827
McEspirit, Owen Boho Killydrum 1827
McEspirit, Terence Boho Killydrum 1827
McManus, Patt. Boho Killydrum 1827
McManus, Peter Boho Killydrum 1827
Rodgers, Patt. Boho Killydrum 1827
Lurhuhin, Johon Boho Killytaggart 1827
Maginny, Francis Boho Killyteggart 1827
Maguire, Dennis Boho Killyteggart 1827
Maguire, Thos. Boho Killyteggart 1827
McSharry, Patt. Boho Killyteggart 1827
Meire, Robert Boho Killytaggart 1827
Ross, Robert Boho Killytaggart 1827
Scott, Edward Boho Killytaggart 1827
Stinson, Edwd. Boho Killyteggart 1827
Custolow, Patrick Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
Elliott, James Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
Fawcett, William Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
Kelly, Archd. Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
Maguire, James Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
McCue, John Boho Kilnamaddoo 1827
Maguire, Michael Boho Knocknahinchin 1827
Name Parish Townland Year
Cassidy, Michael Boho Lattonagh 1827
Magee, Connor Boho Lattonagh 1827
McElroy, Patrick Boho Lattonagh 1827
McManus, Daniel Boho Lattonagh 1827
Cullen, Terence Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Fawcett, John Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Magee, Donald Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Magee, Patt. Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Maginny, Edwd. Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Maguire, Hugh Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
McEspirit, Terence Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Tully, John Boho Legnagaybeg 1827
Hassard, William, Esq. Boho Legnagaymore 1827
Burns, Cormick Boho Leitrim 1827
Gallagher, Patrick Boho Leitrim 1827
Hoy, Richard Boho Leitrim 1827
Jones, Thomas Boho Leitrim 1827
McCaffry, James Boho Leitrim 1827
McManus, Edward Boho Lietrim 1827
McManus, Francis Boho Lietrim 1827
McManus, Owen Boho Leitrim 1827
McMauns, Hugh Boho Leitrim 1827
McMauns, Terence Boho Leitrim 1827
Rodgers, Patrick Boho Leitrim 1827
Treacy, Bryan Boho Lietrim 1827
Brennan, Patt. Boho Lesky 1827
Brennan, Terence Boho Lesky 1827
Britton, Major? Boho Lesky 1827
Britton, Charles Boho Lesky 1827
Britton, Robert Boho Lesky 1827
Magennis, Peter Boho Lesky 1827
Magorrity, Anthony Boho Lesky 1827
Miller, John Boho Lesky 1827
Wallace, Alexander Boho Lesky 1827
Wallace, George Boho Lesky 1827
Wallace, John Boho Lesky 1827
Leonard, James Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
Leonard, Patrick Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
Maguire, Patrick Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
Maguire, Thomas Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
McCauly, Thomas Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
McManus, Hugh Boho Lower Drumherk 1827
Buchanan, Christopher Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
Cassidy, Thomas Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
Gelaspy, Joseph Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
Johnston, Lancelot Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
McManus, Patt. Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
Miller, John Boho Lower Gortgall 1827
Frize, James Boho Macanagh 1827
Gragham, George Boho Macanagh 1827
Magee, Owen Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Anthony Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Dennis, jun. Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Dennis, sen. Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Owen, jun. Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Owen, sen. Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Patt Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Widow Boho Macanagh 1827
McAfee, Owen Boho Macanagh 1827
McCaffry, John Boho Macanagh 1827
Stenson, Edward Boho Macanagh 1827
Stenson, John Boho Macanagh 1827
Maguire, Patt Boho Ross 1827
Maguire, Wl. Boho Ross 1827
McBurns, ...... Boho Ross 1827
McCue, Thomas Boho Ross 1827
Maguire, Michael Boho Ryfat 1827
Love, Thomas Boho Shacahan 1827
Maguire, Dennis Boho Shacahan 1827
Wilson, Thomas Boho Shacahan 1827
Name Parish Townland Year
Healy,......... Boho Teebunnan 1827
Jones, Widow Boho Teebunnan 1827
Maginn, James Boho Teebunnan 1827
Magrath,........... Boho Teebunnan 1827
McCaffry,...... Boho Teebunnan 1827
Quin,.......... Boho Teebunnan 1827
Timmony,........... Boho Teebunnan 1827
Scott, Walter Boho Tober 1827
Buchanan, Christopher Boho Tonneel 1827
Flanagan, Bryan Boho Tonneel 1827
McCaffry, Francis Boho Tonneel 1827
McCaffry, Thomas Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Edward Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Owen Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Patt. Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Patt. Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Thomas, jun. Boho Tonneel 1827
McManus, Thomas, sen. Boho Tonneel 1827
Bothwell, James Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Cassidy, John Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Cosgrove, Patt. Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Keenan, Christr. Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Maguire, Thomas Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Magurl, Phelix Boho Tubber Dan 1827
McManus, Bryan Boho Tubber Dan 1827
McManus, John Boho Tubber Dan 1827
McManus, Rodger Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Mihin, Chas. Boho Tubber Dan 1827
Burns, James Boho Tulleravore 1827
Carrol,........ Boho Tulleravore 1827
Cox,........... Boho Tulleravore 1827
Cullen,....... Boho Tulleravore 1827
Flanagan, Bryan Boho Tulleravore 1827
Hanagan, Bryan Boho Tulleravore 1827
Hanagan, Francis Boho Tulleravore 1827
Keon, Peter Boho Tulleravore 1827
Magenny, Thomas Boho Tulleravore 1827
Magorrity, Chas. Boho Tulleravore 1827
Burns, Barny Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Burns, Bryan Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Burns, Michl. Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Cox, Widow? Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Gallagher, Larry Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Gallagher, Patt. Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Gallagher, Patt., sen. Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Maguire, Michl. Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Maguire, Peter Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Maguire, Thos. Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Reynolds, James Boho Tullygenavra 1827
Britton, James Boho Tullyholvin 1827
Fiddis, John Boho Tullyholvin 1827
McEspirit, Patrick Boho Tullyholvin 1827
Bothwell, James Boho Upper Drumherk 1827
Strong, Abraham Boho Upper Drumherk 1827
Strong, William Boho Upper Drumherk 1827
Brenan, Terence Boho Upper Gortgall 1827
Clark, William, Rev. Boho Upper Gortgall 1827
Fawcett, William Boho Upper Gortgall 1827
McCue, Patt Boho Upper Gortgall 1827
McManus, Owen Boho Upper Gortgall 1827
Love, Charles Boho White Parks 1827
Love, Thomas Boho White Parks 1827

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