County Fermaagh 


Some marriages from Drumkeeran

1825 Tithe Applotment Index - Sorted by Name

1825 Tithe Applotment Index - Sorted by Townland

Townlands of Drumkeeran

Aghagrefin Aghahannagh Aghalaan Aghavore
Ardore Ardshankill Backwood Ballynabrannagh
Bannagh More Bigwood Boa Island Boolawater
Bracklin Cahore Camplagh Carrickcroghery
Carrickoughter Clonaweel Cloncah Rock Clonee
Clonelly Coolaghty Cordwood Corlaght East
Corlaght West Corlave Crillan Crimlin
Crockateggal Cruninish Island Cruntully Curraghmore
Dernacapplekeagh Derry Beg Derry More Derrybrick
Derrynashesk Derryneeve Doochrock Ederny Dooraa North Drumrush
Dromore Big Clonelly Drumbaran Ederny Drumboarty Magheraculmoney Drumbrick Ederny
Drumbristan Ederny Drumchorick Drumrush Drumcloona Drumrush Drumcrin Clonelly
Drumcullion Drumrush Drumcurren Drumrush Drumduff Drumrush Drumgowna East Ederny
Drumgowna West Clonelly Drumgrenaghan Brookhill Drumhirk Ederny Drumierna Ederny
Drumkeeran Ederny Drummacahan Ederny Drummoney Drumrush Drumnagalliagh Drumrush
Drumnagreshial Drumrush Drumnavahan Ederny Drumrush Drumrush Drumskinny Clonelly
Edenaveagh Lack Edenticromman Drumrush Estea Island Drumrush Fartagh Ederny
Feddans Drumrush Firs Brookhill Fod Island Drumrush Formil Clonelly
Glasdrumman Clonelly Glasmullagh Lack Glennagarran Clonelly Glenvannan Clonelly
Gortacar Brookhill Gortgeran Kesh Gortnagullion Drumrush Gortnaree Clonelly
Greaghmore Clonelly Gubbakip Brookhill Gushedy Beg Ederny Hare Island Drumrush
Keeran Lack Killygarry Ederny Killynoogan Brookhill Kilmore Brookhill
Knockroe Lack Larmore Clonelly Letterkeen Drumrush Long Rock Brookhill
*Long Rock Brookhill Lowery Brookhill Lugmore Clonelly Lurganboy
Lusty Beg Island Macart Island Meentullyclogh Middletown
Monavreece Montiaghroe Movarran Muckros
Mullaghmore Mullanmeen Under Mullynaval Mweelbane
Newpark Oghill Oghillicartan Physicberry Island
Pollaginnive Portinode Procklis Purgatory Island
Rossgole Rotten Mountain Rush Island Rushinbane
Screegan Island Skea Skrinny Smith's Rock
Springtown Stragolan Tawnydorragh Teige's Rock
Tievaveeny Tievenavarnog Tirmacspird
Tirwinny Tonwore Tubbrid

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