County Fermaagh 

Map Of Parish Locations

The parish of Lisnaskea remained a district curacy in Aghalurcher parish until 1863 when it was created a perpetual curacy. The entries in this register therefore relate to the Lisnaskea district of Aghalurcher parish.
Husband Wife Date Husband Wife Date
James Allen Rhoda Hall 1813 William Anderson Elizabeth Dunlap 1814
Robert Armstrong Margaret Birney 1805 William Armstrong Anne Morison 1807
William Armstrong Elizabeth Forster 1810 Joseph Armstrong Elizabeth Woods 1810
John Bailey Anne Morrow(Merrow) 1804 Henry Beatty Catherine Rowe 1810
John Bell Elizabeth Kelly 1807 Robert Bell Jane Douglas 1809
William Bell Jane Lattimere 1812 James Black Mary Hanlon 1813
Charles Blakely Rebecca Rennick 1812 George Bowles Mary Paisley 1812
Thomas Boyle Anne Forster 1809 James Bready Catherine Dunbar 1807
Robert Brownrigg Elizabeth Graham 1813 John Burnet Elizabeth Armstrong 1814
James Bushely Anne Thompson 1805 Alexander Carothers Margaret Dixon 1808
James Cassidy Catherine Mt(Mc)Gomery 1805 William Chapman Margaret Sir 1815
Christopher Clarke Susanna Chapman 1807 Robert Clarke Anne Robinson 1809
William Cooper Elizabeth Foy 1815 William Corry Isabella Hall 1815
William Cotnan Margaret Robinson 1807 John Crawford Mary Donaldson 1805
John Crawford Elizabeth Dixon 1812 Thomas Cross Maria Clark 1807
John Davis Jane McClintock 1805 James Dixon Margaret Trimble 1814
John Dogherty Barbara Donaldson 1807 Richard Fisher Christian Reily 1813
John Forster Susanna Sergeant 1806 Francis Forster Rose Hogg 1813
James Foy Margaret Smyth 1813 Thomas Galogly Susanna Donaldson 1814
Randal Graham Elizabeth Roe 1806 Thomas Grahan(m) Jane MtGomery 1810
William Haddock Mary Duncan 1815 James Haire Margaret Forster 1805
John Hall(Hale) Elizabeth Robinson 1810 Robert Hall Letitia West 1815
James Hawell Frances Armstrong 1814 James Irvine Mary Graham 1814
Robert Johnston Martha Armstrong 1813 Richard Jones Elizabeth Clinton 1809
Fras. Kettle Jane Elliott 1805 William Kettle Margaret Sumers 1807
Richard Keys Grace Moor 1810 John Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Montgomery 1813
Robert Liddle Saragh Montgomery 1815 William Little Jane Bowles 1808
William Little Anne Graham 1810 Christopher Little Margaret Scarlet 1812
Robert McFarland Elizabeth Paisley 1811 John Mackay Elizabeth Morrow(Merrow?) 1805
Phillip McMahon Catherine Patterson 1810 William McMullin Maria Berney 1810
Andrew Magittrick Sarah Moor 1807 Jas. Maguire Alice Vance 1804
James Maguire Sarah McNany(McMany?) 1811 Alexander Martin Elizabeth Macafery 1807
William Mitchell Anne Rennick 1807 William Montgomery Jane Gordon 1814
James Moore Margaret Surr 1812 James Morrow Isabella Breaden 1808
Johnson Musgrove Susanna Robinson 1807 Robert Nixon Mary Harper 1808
Francis Noble Elizabeth McQuade 1813 Jas. Palmer Catherine Irvine 22 Apr 1805
James Parkinson Martha Jackson 1813 Mark Perry Mary Gardner 1809
Matthew Pots Jane Levingston 1811 John Rendall Mary Forster 1812
John Reilly Sarah Armstrong 1807 John Robinson Elizabeth Lowry 1807
William Robinson Roda Moore 1809 Mathew Robinson Anne Wiggins 1809
James Rutlige Jane Woods 1805 Thomas Shepherd Mary Irvine 1807
George Skinner Mary Maguire 1812 Gerard Smyth Elizabeth Evatt 1815
William Tegart Elizabeth Murphy 1813 James Trimble Mary Whitley 1807
Joseph Trimble Catherine Smyth 1810 John Thompson Lucy Morrison 1808
William Thompson Susana Forster 1810 Allen Thompson Jane Vance 1813
Hugh Thompson Jane Thompson 1814 Joseph Whitely Jane Forster 1812
George Wiggins Anne Story 1811 William Wilson Rachel Curry 1814
John Woods Rebecca Lowry 1814
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