County Fermaagh 

James Lord Ballfowre
Barron of Clannally
undertaker of 5000 Acres
the names of his Men and Armes as followeth:-
Barony de Magerstefynny & Clankelly
Swd = sword,   P= pike
Adam Armstrong Swd. Robert Armestrang Gilbert Adamson
James Armstrong Swd. Alex. Balfoure James Balfoore No armes.
Arthur Beaty William Beaty David Beaty
Adam Beaty John Beaty Swd. John Beatty
John Browne John Beaty P. John Beatty Swd.
Adam Beaty younger P. Mathew Beaty James Byny
Robt. Calwel Swd. John Chyrnesyde Thos. Cragg
Christopher Carrudas Swd. James Clarke Swd. Robt. Christoll
William Dunkan William Dunweedy Swd. William Ellot
George Frizall P. John Farwhere Thos. Farbouse
William Fargisonne Gabraell Gibson William Gleue
John Grahame John Gregg Swd.&P. Robert Gregg Swd.&P.
William Greg Swd.&P. Robert Graham Swd.&P. Alex. Grindeston P.
Robt. Gradin John Goodman Swd. Robert Graham P.
James Graham Swd. James Hendry Swd. Symon Henderson Swd.
Richard Henderson John Irwin David Irwin
Andrew Irwin Swd. John Johnston Archbell Johnston Swd. & P.
Francis Johnston Swd. Frauncis Johnston Swd. James Johnston Swd.
Daniell Leonax Donnell Lenox Swd.& P. John Little
John Little Swd. William Little Swd. William Little
William Little Walter Little Thos. Little
James Little Andrew Little Symond Little
Alex. Mooahead William Mophet Symon Mophet
George McKenrick Robert Michell Swd. Walter Murray Swd.
Richard Murray Swd. John Michell Swd. William Murray Swd. & P.
John Mundall Spce. Malcome Mcffarlan Swd. James Mountgomery
Quintan Noble Swd. William Porter Swd. William Ricarby
John Rathborne Walter Ranick James Rosse Swd.
James Rea George Read David Scot
John Sympson Robert Scot Swd.&P. Robert Scot Swd.&P.
David Story Alex. Shere Archball Scot Swd.
Lodwick Steward Swd. Robt. Somerwell Thos. Smyth
Robt. Smith Robert Tellyffeare Spce. Michaell Wilson
Barony Magerbuy
Sir William Cole
knight undertaker of 1000 Acres
the names of his Men and Armes as followeth
Thos. Abbot Swd. & P. John Armestrong Swd. Lancelout Armestrong Swd.
James Armestrong Richard Beaty Swd. & Call. James Brinan Swd.
Thos. Beaty Swd. & P. Adam Browne Swd. Henry Bradly Swd. & P.
John Car Georg Courser Swd. Frauncis Charlesworth
Symond Charlesworth Swd. & Mt. James Dundoes James Ewart
Patrick Ewart John Ellot Swd. Thos. Forrest
Charles Forrest Swd.& Call. John Fare Fargus Graham Swd. & P.
John Gillpatrick Swd. William Grocer Swd. George Graham
John Gibbs Swd. P. Curace & headpec John Hadson Swd. & Call. Thos. Harlore
Christopher Harlor Swd. & P. Adam Johnston Swd. & P. James Johnston Swd.
Arthur Johnston Swd. Richard Johnston Swd. Henry Johnston Swd.
Francis Johnston Swd. Thos. Johnston Swd. & Mt. William Johnston Swd. & P.
Robert Johnston Swd. & P. William Johnston Swd. & P. John Johnston
John Johnston Call. & swd. Thos. Little P. & swd. Adam Nixon Swd. & P.
William Nordus Swd. & P. Phillip Ossenbrooke John Oglee Swd.
Alex. Ogle Swd.& Call. Nicholas Ossenbrooke Swd.& halbert William Ossenbrooke Swd. & P.
John Portis Roger Pearse Swd. & P.
Randell Pearse Swd.& Call. Robert Portis Thos. Perry
Thos. Pockridg Swd. John Paggett Swd. James Raikie
William Scot Swd. William Souage younger Alex. Skeares
Thos. Sanderson Roger Skales Call. & swd. George Smala Swd.
John Taylor Swd.& Call. John Thomson Thos. Upperry Swd. & P.
Abraham Wadsworth Swd. & Call. William Wiggin Swd. & P. Richard Whitinge Swds.
Barony de Magerbuy

Mr. Archdall
undertaker of 2000 Acres
his Men & Armes as followeth
Thos. Anderson Archball Armestrong Swd. & spce. Alex. Armestrong Swd. & Call.
John Armestrong Swd. & spce. John Birs William Browne Swd.
David Byers Swd. Edward Brama Charles Cute P.
James Coulter Swd. & Call. William Ellot Swd. & Call. William Ellot Swd. & Call.
William Ellot Richard Foster John Houlden Mt.
Symond Hudson Swd. John Irwin Swd. John Irwin Swd.
George Irwin George Irwin James Johnston Swd. & Call.
Robert Johnston Swd. & Call. David Johnston Swd. Henry Jarius Swd.
Andrew Johnston Swd. John Jackson Swd. & Call. Thos. Little Swd.
Thos. Lewes William Marshall Swd. Thos. Moore
Thos. Robert Swd. & Call. Henry Robinson John Robinson
Nicholas Richmond Peter Sourdg Halbert Izack Trott
Robert Willson Swd. & Mt. Robert Willson Swd. & Mt. Thos. Whitby
Richard Widson John Wilson
Sir John Hume
knight undertaker of 3500 Acres
the names of his Men & Armes as followeth
George Armestrong John Allen Swd. & P. Goerge Atkinson Swd. & P.
Alex. Atkinson Swd. William Ayre Swd. & P. Alex. Anderson P.
James Anderson P. Robert Black Swd. & P. Henry Black Swd. & P.
James Brock Ryngon Bell William Brock Swd. & P.
John Brock Swd. & P. John Black Swd. & P. David Browne Swd. & P.
James Browne Swd. & P. Thos. Cranston Swd. & P. William Cranston Swd. & P.
Alex. Carr Swd. & spce. William Chirsies Swd. George Chirsyde
John Clarke Swd. Michaell Dixon Swd. & P. James Dundas Swd.
Martin Ellot Swd. John Fayre Swd. & P. William Fayre Swd. & P.
John Goodfellow younger George Graham Swd. & P. George Galder P.
James Graham Swd. & P. John Greere younger Swd. Thos. Goodfellow Swd. & P.
George Gibson P. John Goodfellow Swd. Alex. Hume Swd.
Patrick Hume Swd. & halbert. John Hall Swd.& Call James Hermiston Swd. & P.
William Kinge Swd. & P. John Lemingston Swd. & spce. Thos. Lawhart Swd. & P.
Alex. Morison Swd. & P. George McMillane Swd. John Miller Swd.
John Neall Swd. & P. John Portish Swd. & P. Thos. Pott Swd. & spce.
Alex. Patterson George Rankin Swd. & P. George Robinson Swd.
John Rannick William Roberts Swd. & spce. Thos. Smyth elder P.
James Skrese Swd. & P. William Savage Swd. & P. Thos. Spence Swd. & P.
John Spence Swd. & P. Alex. Spence John Thompson P.
Thos. Trotter Swd. Frauncis Trotter Swd.&P. John Thompson Swd. & P.
John Thomson John Trumble William Wilkin Swd. & P.
John Watterson Swd. & spce. James Wood P.

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